UN Country Results Report Malaysia 2023: Supporting Malaysia’s Path to Sustainability and Inclusion in Turbulent Times

The 2023 Country Results Report provides a spotlight on the key results of the UN system’s programming and advocacy in 2023.
Working under the umbrella of the UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework 2021-2025 (CF) and drawing on information available on our website via the UN INFO platform, this report reflects the dynamism of 2023. In line with the UN development system reforms, the UNCT continues to deliver tangible results, under the leadership and coordination of the Resident Coordinator.
The UNCT, in collaboration with its diverse partners, works towards fostering an equitable and inclusive economy guided by a human rights approach to development. Programmes include enhancing the skills of women entrepreneurs, combating forced and child labour in the palm oil industry, expanding social protection, and ensuring youth access to technical and vocational education and training (TVET). Furthermore, the UN remains dedicated to assisting the Government in safeguarding Malaysia's abundant biodiversity, protecting the environment and combating climate change.
The UN remains resolute in fulfilling its commitments to the Government and civil society by actively exploring new opportunities to accelerate SDG progress through systems and institutional strengthening.